Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hail Damage

     Last Thursday night June 20th we got hit hard with hail.  Two-thirds of our beans were damaged very badly.  Most of the beans that Farm Rescue Planted are gone.  Also gone are the beans that Brent and Dad fought mud, miserable conditions, and late nights to beat the rain.
     Luckily we have good insurance on most of the acres.  There are several options/levels that a person can choose when taking crop insurance just like other insurances.  We have a combination of federal crop insurance which guarantees a certain number of bushels per acre along with production hail.  The production hail guarantees bushels above the federal crop insurance if you get hailed on, again there are many options/levels a person can pick.  I met with our insurance adjuster and after going through the situations we will try and replant some of the beans and some we will not replant.  Yesterday dad replanted about 60 acres before we had a breakdown, we will probably try and replant some more in the next few days however there aren't enough hours in the day and we need to get the hay up and nitrogen spread on the corn along with the daily chores relating to the cows.
    The beans we do replant likely won't yield very good because they are being planted so late. We will still harvest the damaged beans even if there is only a few bushels an acre.  Also the beans that won't be replanted will not canopy and will have more weeds so we will need to spray those acres an extra time or two this summer.  Because we carry good insurance it is never fun paying the huge premium in the fall but after a situation like this we are glad that we have high levels of coverage.  So far we have had an extremely late spring followed by too much rain and now hail.  Even with all of this there are many others around the region/state that have it much worse.                                                                                                                                                                               

                                             A field not hit by hail planted on June 7th
A field hit by hail planted the same day

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