In the calf hutches, they are fed pasturized milk twice a day until they are six weeks old, when they are then fed a grain mixture and water twice a day. Madi really likes when they are little and still drinking milk out of a bottle because she thinks they are the cutest at that point. Can you tell just how much she loves them by the big grin on her face?
Once the calves leave the hutches, they are brought to a turkey hutch to live which is a great place for them to be from mid June through late September. The turkey hutches provide a great environment where there is a lot of air movement and also protects the calves from rain and hot sunshine.
The past couple of weeks, all of the new calves were immediately put into a turkey hutch to live.
Today, Travis and the kids worked on moving all of the weaned calves (those that no longer need milk but grain and water instead) from their regular calf hutch home to the much cooler turkey hutch.
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